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                              A Message From the Township Trustees



May 3, 2017


Dear Madison Township Residents,


Thank you to all those residents who voted for our Township Road Levy. The passage of this replacement 2 mill road levy was very critical because the current 2 mill levy first approved by the voters of Madison Township in 1985 expired at the end of this year. The revenue collected from this 2-mill replacement road levy will not solve all our road or monetary issues.  We still have 53.55 miles of township roads under our statutory responsibility to maintain. However, it will help us sustain what we are currently doing, and give us some breathing room to address the most critical road, bridge and drainage problems.  It will also give us the ability to have some matching funds should we be fortunate enough to be awarded some Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) grant money for our roads, bridges and drainage infrastructure. Thank you, Madison Twp. residents, for understanding the need for good township roads. We will continue to do the best we can with your tax dollars.




Board of Madison Township Trustees


Max Anderson Jr.

Peter V. Wayman

Kenneth R. Gauntner Jr.

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